
I created Bespoke Wellness Partners because I struggled with mental illness for over 10 years and had a very challenging time finding the right place to get the support I needed. When reflecting on my own recovery from anorexia and bulimia, I realized that there was a lack of community-based practices that helped and supported individuals in a holistic way, in a warm and loving space. Drawing from both my personal and professional experiences, I developed a structured therapeutic program called The KARMA Method, which helps guide me and my team in a collaborative way to help individuals and their families, from a variety of treatment levels, lead a happier and healthier lifestyle.
At Bespoke Wellness Partners, we have an entirely different orientation than most other practices. Our clinicians are personally selected from among the most renowned psychotherapists in New York and our process is designed so that the client-therapist match is based on strict criteria that correspond to each client's individual makeup and issues. There is no third-party intrusion into the therapeutic process, and the content of the sessions is kept entirely confidential, with no reporting to any outside entities. I created Bespoke Wellness Partners with a lot of love and care and I hope that you feel that when you call us or visit our practice.
Limor Weinstein and The Bespoke Family